Group Expedition Series

The Group Expedition is a team-based, structured learning program. Running over the course of a year, it brings together expert advisors, peer-shared learning, and resources supported by practice facilitation in your own clinic.

Learning Objectives

  • Review your current practice including: your patient panel, their access and continuity to you
  • Identify opportunities to improve that matter to you
  • Apply quality improvement methods and tools within your practice
  • Select and track measures that will help guide your improvement journey
  • Use the EMR technology to inform practice improvement
  • Identify and develop other sources of practice data

Participation in the Group Expedition requires a team-based approach. Working with a MyQ Practice Facilitator and supported by MyQ Senior Advisors, teams take part in six learning sessions with additional intermittent teleconferences and practical testing of improvements in your clinic.

MyQ Good News Stories

The following good news stories outline some of the changes that MyQ practice teams have made to successfully improve their practice.

Please contact us if you are interested in learning more about the MyQ program and current offerings.

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